Captured and delivered AEHF-5 rocket launch experience content promptly despite challenges. Produced engaging video highlighting the event's scale and process, driving high engagement on Lockheed Martin's social platforms.
Photography & Film
Lockheed Martin
August 19, 2019
During the AEHF-5 rocket launch, our team collaborated with photographers and managers from Lockheed Martin's Space business area to document the entire launch experience. Our task was to capture both the Lockheed Martin and SpaceX rocket launches, create compelling video content showcasing our experience, and distribute it to the press and Lockheed Martin's social channels in real-time.
Scope of Work: Coordinate with photographers and managers to document the launch experience, capture photo and video footage, overcome challenges, and produce compelling content for distribution.
In conclusion, our collaborative efforts resulted in capturing the Lockheed Martin and SpaceX rocket launches from multiple angles, overcoming challenges, and producing engaging content that provided unique insights into the event and garnered significant attention on Lockheed Martin's social channels.